Saturday, October 17, 2009

Viciously stolen

This was viciously stolen from my friend's blog, because I thought it looked fun. Yeep!

I have many leettle children, but I often don't think about them as much as I should.
Which is sad, in a way.
And not, in another way.

So, you get this. :>

(Write out the names of your characters and explain

1) how you thought of their name

2) what made you create the character in the first place

3) how the character has changed over time (if they have changed)

4) any random fun fact about that character)

TOAST (aka Chintra)

1. Toast is one of my oldest oldies. I don't remember how exactly I came up with the name "Toast", but I know that my sister had something to do with it. Chintra, however, came from Google. Now, I have an IRL friend named Chitra, without the n, so I sometimes get that part mixed up. :C
2. She was a pretty spur of the moment character, from what I can remember. I wanted someone new, so she and this redhead I named Tristan (who isn't as cool) were born.
3. Bahahaha
Okay so, she started as always wearing that scarf over her mouth, and never talking, 'cause she only spoke Kannada, which is her native language. BUT throughout the course of... life... she became a semi-retarded 8-year old who speaks in broken English, refers to herself as THE TOAST, and has a Nicolas Cage fetish. She calls him THE CAGE. She's also my general meme bitch.
4. She eats Nutella like it's the cure for AIDS. And she has a scarf for all occasions. Her birthday is in February, the 22nd, I think. And she likes man chests.


1. Because an obnoxious character needs an equally obnoxious name, I think. I did really want a Jeremiah for whatever reason, but I mostly dubbed this guy "Jeremiah" because I wanted something really long and tedious to say over and over. He won't go by Jeremy, unless you're his sister, so there you go. And I also didn't know Jeremiah was a bullfrog until my sister pointed it out. I do believe that that just makes it all the better. Christophe because it sounds fancy, and Dupont came from google. <3 Although I heard on the television and wikipedia that there's a place called Dupont Circle, where all things gay can be found. This makes me so stupidly happy. Jeremiah is so anti-gay. It couldn't be any more ironic.
2. Like many, he was a doodle. Until I stuck him with a name and a personality and a story to go with those thingies. I started off really hating him 'cause of how flat he was. But then as time went on I learned to love him very much. The faggot.
3. He was really pretty much a side character, until I bumped him up to co-main character. WOO. I think he might even be overshadowing Oliver a little bit. Just a little. I should figure out how to fix that.
4. He's an Athiest, but he loves the bible because it's like one gigantic rule book, and he's so gay for rules. He knows English, Spanish, French, and Latin, and his father is a geochemist. He ran away from home and works in a factory for the old guy below this post. He wears white because said old guy thinks it's pure and represents all that is good and powerful, so it's a must. He's 17 in his story, but his birthday's August 18, so that means he's really 18 now. God, I'm a dork.

EL MUNDO (aka Velasco Braulio Moreno)

1. El Mundo is "the world" in Spanish, for those that took French or something in high school instead. 'A' WELL. This guy started out as just someone to bring on conflict in Jeremiah's and Oliver's story, but now he's one of my most favorite villains. He's THE WORLD because that was his goal, really. To become the world, or at least a huge major part of it. He failed. He's only the huge major part of the city he founded. His real name came from... Google. Wow, go me. Can I think up anything on my own?
2. Oops, I should have put part of part 1 down here. OH WELL. Yeah, he started as a sketchbook whore. I would draw him all the time, so I put a name and a story to him. I wanted an old guy. This is my old guy.
3. He had a moustache at one point, I think. OTHER THAN THAT. Not much change. He's still old and creepy and obsessed with the noncolor of white.
4. He doesn't wear a dress, it's a cloak. He also built La Ciudad Lejana with Jeremiah's grandfather and another nameless guy. His great-niece is his bodyguard. He probably eats babies but doesn't let anyone know about it.


1. Shilo came from the beagle books. Hell fucking yes. Except I chopped off the last H. Get the fuck out, unnecessary H. Thomas is his dad's name, and Miller is just a common American surname. According to google. /wrist
2. I needed another person in Bunby's story, and that person just so happened to be Clarence's sibling. Thus, Shilo was born. Also, this is gay, but I wanted a character with a Peruvian hat. JUST THAT HAT. I couldn't have cared less about the actual character. Just the hat. Now, this is not true, but at the time, yes.
3. Shilo was once a little girl who wore corsets. I think her name was Kate. But I stuck a penis on him, and that was that.
4. He will tell everyone and everything that he loves them. Even if it's just a second after you first meet him, he'll compliment you in a stupid way and say I LOVE YOU. He also got kicked out of his boarding school for streaking. Now he lives in France with Clarence (his bro) and Bunby (his bro's ghost therapist).

BUNBY (aka Chloe)

1. Bunby's name came from me somehow blending bunnies and Ray Bradbury together in a slew of what was most likely post-three AM delirium. But it turns out that I liked it a lot, and it fit her personality rather well, because it's sounds so bouncy and springy. Chloe was her name before she died, but this one DIDN'T come from google. It came from the Amelia books, except I think Shilo's axed H came and shoved itself in between Chloe's C and L.
2. Bunby was a sketchbook baby. I drew her nonstop for whatever reason. She haunted my brain. Ahaha that was a pun, laugh with me.
3. She started off being really really ethereal and out there, but she toned it down a bit. Now she's stupidly optimistic about everything, and there's no bursting her bubble, no sir.
4. Her shirt came from her guardian, Noon. Her apron head band thing came from a thrift store. She likes shoes. She likes boys. She likes frogs. She likes fucking everything.


1. Noon came from me staring at my dashboard clock. No joke. It was a little bit after lunch time when inspiration struck me like a drunken train being controlled by cats with rabies.
2. I needed a supporting character for Bunby's story, really. He's the guy that shows her around and explains what needs explaining and gives her clothes so she's no longer wandering around as a naked, glowing thing. He patrols as a hobo, which is fun. And his goggles are from Bill Nye.
3. He started off as another sketchbook baby, except he was a teacher. And then he was a scientist. And now he's a hobo ghost guardian who knows more than Jesus. Okay, maybe not Jesus. Maybe just Saint Peter or something.
4. He's a pretty patient guy, even if he acts like he isn't patient at all. He's one of my only characters with "super human powers" or whatevah. And I am rushing this now because I have to go watch Fantasia 2.

THIS WAS A FUN MEEM. Now I leave you.

1 comment:

    Also I think Jeremiah is my favorite because his hair fills me with ridiculous happy. This will probably never change. *clings*
